

Adolescence; desirable and desirous, menacing yet vulnerable, widely unpredictable and ultimately mysterious. Last summer I started to think about the project with my niece Ginevra and her friend Carolina. Recently I have been so attracted by this transitional stage of physical and mental human development. In many societies, adolescence was not recognized as a phase of life. Most societies simply distinguished between childhood and adulthood. Isn't it so wrong?!... the search for a unique social identity starts right here.


  1. This is interesting but how we are struggling with our teenage son at the moment. It's so difficult being a parent sometimes.

  2. I agree dear Deborah...it's not easy at all. The home environment and parents are sooo important for the behaviors and choices of adolescents. And we feel such a responsability for them...
    It's not easy, but it's such a great adventure. I wish you a good luck!

  3. So glad to find you Darija, wonderful images.

    A difficult time to be raising children though I suspect every generation has thought so....

    Come and enter my amazing giveaway from Splenderosa!

    Art by Karena
